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24 exercises with fascia roll

Fascia roller exercises for the whole body: regeneration and strength training

- Reading time 999 minutes

When exercising with the fascia roller, you can differentiate between regenerating and strengthening your muscles. When regenerating, you perform slow exercises that help your fascia and muscles to relax. This is particularly useful after strenuous workouts or if your muscles are generally strained or tense. You can repeat these exercises around 10 times.

However, you can also use the foam roller for training and use it to strengthen your muscles. Depending on your fitness level, you can do 15-20 repetitions.

We present 24 fascia roller exercises and explain how you can use them to train and relax your body.

Fascia roller exercises for the lower legs


Exercise 1: Calf

While sitting, slowly move your calf up and down on the fascia roller with your leg stretched out. Make sure that your toes are pointing upwards and your bottom is not touching the floor. Keep the other leg bent. To train your entire calf region, turn your leg to the right and left as you roll.

Exercise 2: Outside Lower Leg


Place the outside of your lower leg on the fascia roll. Support yourself off the floor with your arms and the other leg. Slowly move your calf up and down on the foam roller from your knee to your ankle. The foot can be stretched slightly upwards to intensify the exercise.

Exercise 3: Front Lower Leg


Stand on four feet and place the fascia roll under one shin - the other leg remains on the floor. Apply some pressure to your shin muscles and roll from your knee to your ankle. Move your leg slightly to the right and left to massage the outside of your fibula.

Fascia roller exercises for the thighs

Exercise 4: Back of Thigh


While sitting, slowly move your thigh up and down on the fascia roller from your buttocks to the back of your knee with your leg stretched out. Your toes should be pointing upwards, your bottom should not be touching the floor and your other leg should be bent on the floor. At the same time, support yourself off the floor with your hands.

Exercise 5: Inside Thigh


When doing this exercise, make sure that your back and head remain straight and in line. Support yourself off the floor with your hands and place the inside of your thigh on the fascia roll. Place the other leg on the floor. Slowly roll up and down to your knee.

Exercise 6: Outside Thigh


Place the fascia roll on the side underneath your thigh to train the outside. Stand your other leg up and use your hands to support yourself from the floor. You can reduce or increase the pressure on the fascia roll by standing on your leg. Roll slowly up and down to your knee.

Exercise 7: Front Thigh


Lie with your thighs on the fascia roll and support yourself off the floor with your elbows so that your arms form a 90° angle. Use this forearm support to stabilise your body. Stretch your legs out straight and keep them taut.

Fascia roller exercises for the buttocks

Exercise 8: Glutes

Strength training

Sit with your buttocks on the fascia roller and slowly roll up and down to your coccyx. To reach the sides with the foam roller, you can turn your lower body slightly to the left and right. Support yourself off the floor with your hands behind your back and keep your feet flat on the floor.

Exercise 9: Standing Scales

Strength training

Hold the fascia roll with your hands at your sides. In the starting position, stand with your arms outstretched. Now bend forwards with your upper body and arms while simultaneously stretching out one leg so that your leg and upper body form a horizontal line.

Exercise 10: Leg Extension

Strength training

The starting position for this exercise is a full plank. In this position, your arms are fully extended and grip the fascia roll lying on the floor at your side. Make sure that your body forms a straight line and that you don't lift your bum too high. Then lift your left and right leg alternately and hold the position for a few seconds.

Exercise 11: Pelvic Lift

Strength training

Lie on your back and place your feet on the fascia roll with your knees bent. Your hands are flat on the floor next to your body. Slowly lift your upper body off the floor. You should start with your lower back until your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.

Fascia roller exercises for back, shoulders & arms

Exercise 12: Back


Lie with your upper back on the fascia roll and slowly roll up and down to your shoulders. Stabilise your head with your hands and keep it as still as possible. Bend your legs during the exercise and support yourself on the floor with your feet.

Exercise 13: Good Mornings

Strength training

Position the foam roller above your head with your hands outstretched and hold it at your sides. Tense your entire body and now bend forwards from the hips with a straight back until you are horizontal. Your knees are slightly bent during this exercise.

Exercise 14: Forearm Push Up

Strength training

Lie flat on the floor and rest the back of your lower legs on the fascia roll. Now support your forearms behind your back so that your arms form a 90° angle. Then lift your buttocks slightly so that only your forearms are touching the floor. Stretch your feet slightly forwards.

Exercise 15: Arm lift

Strength training

Start in a quadruped position and grasp your foam roller at your side with your arms outstretched. Stretch your arms forwards alternately so that they form a line with your upper body. Hold the position for a few seconds, lower your arm and switch to the other arm. Try to stretch your fingers straight forwards and keep your arm and upper body tensed.

Exercise 16: Push Up

Strength training

Get into the full plank position and hold the fascia roll at your side with your hands. Keep your body tensed in a straight line and slowly lower your arms so that your upper arms are parallel to your upper body. Hold this position for a few seconds and push your body back down from the fascia roll.

Fascia roller exercises for abdomen & torso

Exercise 18: Crunch

Strength training

Lie with your upper back on the fascia roll and support yourself off the floor with your feet so that your bottom does not touch the floor. Slowly lift your upper body upwards and hold this position for a few seconds. Hold your arms at the side of your head to intensify the stretch in your chest.

Exercise 19: Dips

Strength training

Grasp the fascia roll from behind with your hands and support yourself off the floor with your feet so that your legs form a 90° angle. Now slowly move your body towards the floor without your bottom touching the floor. Keep your body under tension and hold the position for a few seconds before coming back up.

Exercise 20: Thread Through

Strength training

Sit on the floor and bend your legs. Keep them in this position throughout the exercise. Hold the fascia roll in your left hand and transfer it to your right hand. The right hand passes the fascia roll back into the left hand underneath your legs. Make sure that your back is always straight during this exercise.

Exercise 21: Leg lift

Strength training

Lie flat on your back and fix the fascia roller above your ankles. Apply a little pressure and lift the foam roller with your legs straight up. Hold this position for a few seconds and slowly lower your legs. Make sure that your arms are next to your upper body with your palms facing downwards.

Exercise 22: Leg Lift Inside

Strength training

Place your inner right leg on the side of the fascia roll and support yourself from the floor with your left forearm. Place your right hand on the floor to stabilise yourself. Tense your legs and stomach and lift your left leg above your right leg. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Exercise 23: Leg Lift Outside

Strength training

Place your outer left leg on the side of the fascia roll and support yourself from the floor with your left forearm. Place your right hand on the floor to stabilise yourself. Tense your legs and stomach and lift your right leg. Hold this position for a few seconds.

Fascia roller exercises for the hips

Exercise 24: Hip Flexor


For the hip flexor, lie on the floor and place the fascia roller underneath your hips. Roll slowly up and down and try to turn slightly so that you also massage the outside of your hip. Support yourself off the floor with your forearms.

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