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Camping with a dog: the most important tips
How the dog camping adventure works
Camping with your dog is a unique experience. But what special features await you when camping with your four-legged friend and what should you pay attention to? Going on holiday well prepared with your dog is actually not difficult. There are just a few points you should bear in mind - especially if you're taking your dog camping with you for the first time. Below you will find important tips to ensure a relaxed holiday for you, your four-legged friend and your fellow campers.
Camping with a dog is a wonderful adventure. But keep your pet's nature in mind when planning, because not every dog enjoys camping.
You should also have him checked by a doctor before your holiday to make sure that your four-legged friend is fit to travel. The veterinarian will also inform you about any vaccination requirements and the entry conditions in the respective destination country. In addition, every dog owner should be able to show a pet passport and valid pet liability insurance.
At best, practice driving a car with a dog long before you go on a camping holiday. Some dogs love it, others can't stand it at all. They are scared or get travel sick. It's best to practise car driving in lots of small steps - always making them playful and positive. Let your dog explore the vehicle slowly. Maybe put his favourite toys or his blanket inside and reward him when he behaves correctly. When your dog is comfortable, you can gradually increase the distances and travelling time in the car.
In general, you should give your four-legged friend time to get used to new objects and circumstances**. Once your dog has got used to travelling in a familiar car, he will see it as his place of retreat, especially in stressful situations when travelling - for example during a thunderstorm or other loud noises.
Most dogs don't understand the purpose of the tent at first. The same applies to the tent as to the car: let your four-legged friend slowly become familiar with this dog kennel, which may seem strange to him at first glance. Set up the tent in your garden or at a campsite near you for practice purposes before your holiday, put familiar toys in it and feed your dog in it. At the same time, you can also check that the tent is complete and intact. You can also practise your first overnight stays. This will help your dog get used to the new environment and the new noises such as the rustling of the tent canvas or the zips when you open the cabins.
Also plan your camping holiday together in advance and take regular breaks. Give your dog the time it needs and approach everything calmly. Stress is quickly transferred to the animal.
According to the StVO, a dog while driving is equated to a "load". It is therefore important that you secure it properly to ensure road safety. A small dog can travel comfortably and safely in a transport box, which you can also use as a dog bed in the tent. Larger dogs, on the other hand, usually need special harnesses or a larger transport box in a suitably large boot.
This immediately raises the question of whether the dog is allowed in the family tent or sleeps outside. Depending on the variant, you will of course need different amounts of space in the tent. A large dog also needs more space than a small one. As a rule of thumb, you should allow about as much space for your dog as for another person. Either way, there must be room for the accessories in the tent.
When choosing a tent, it is important that it is well ventilated and that you take into account the weather conditions and seasons of the country you are travelling to. A sun canopy can be very useful in southern regions, for example, while you should choose a winter-proof tent in colder temperatures.
A tent vestibule is also useful for storing the dog lead and other accessories, for example.
There are two options here: Either your dog sleeps in the tent or outside. Most people will probably prefer to keep them in the tent, as they can snuggle up together and the animal is not left unattended. However, some breeds like to spend the night outdoors - huskies, for example. They can then be secured to a post or peg on a longer lead and with a chest harness. Alternatively, you can stretch an elasticated lead between two trees and hook the dog lead onto it with a snap hook. This allows your dog to run freely along the taut lead.
Special dog sleeping bags keep your pet nice and warm at night. However, if your dog doesn't like being completely wrapped up, a sleeping mat and your favourite blanket - or the dog bed at home - will do. In summer, you should pack a cooling mat, as it can also get too hot for your dog at night. You should definitely test all equipment before travelling.
Before booking a campsite, find out whether your dog is actually allowed to camp with you. Some campsites allow dogs in motorhomes, but not in tents. If you are allowed to take a dog with you, your tent should be as far away as possible, where it is quieter. Any noises that could cause your dog to become very stressed will penetrate through the tent wall. Also ask the campsite management if there is a dog playground and dog showers available. Find out whether there are extra costs for dog campers.
Each campsite has different rules and facilities. Here is a short checklist of all the questions you should ask the campsite management before booking:
If you are going camping with a dog, you need to pack a few things that are simply indispensable. A first-aid kit for dogs containing the following items is very important:
Of course, the favourite toy must not be missing. Leash, collar (with address and mobile phone number) and drag line are always with you anyway. The following items must also be taken along:
The number one rule when camping with a dog is don't get stressed. After all, you're on holiday and you want to enjoy every moment. So take it easy, take plenty of breaks and give your dog time to get used to the unfamiliar surroundings. Organise the camping day in such a way that activity and relaxation phases alternate in a relaxed manner.
If you like to eat in restaurants, find out in advance whether four-legged friends are welcome.
If your dog barks a lot, ask why first and then try to remedy the situation. Perhaps your dog is stressed, feels neglected or is bored. Sometimes it is classic territorial behaviour or he is afraid. Always stay calm yourself and signal that everything is okay. Remember that all your emotions are transferred to the dog.
Never leave your dog alone in the tent - not even for a few minutes. All it takes is a noise that he doesn't recognise, which could unsettle and worry him. The dog can also react tensely to an unusually high noise level. Offer him a retreat for such situations.
Be considerate of the other campers and also take your dog for a walk outside the campsite to do small jobs.
In summer, make sure that the dog does not stay in the hot tent for too long. Give it a good airing before going to bed or, if possible, leave it open at night.
After an initial period of getting used to the new noises and camping conditions, your pet is sure to feel right at home. Camping with a dog is one of the best ways for people and animals to spend a holiday together.