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Responsible camping

5 tips for sustainable camping & information on wild camping

- Reading time 999 minutes

Anyone who is committed to camping is basically always a nature lover, for whom the issue of sustainability is certainly central. An ecological lifestyle is relatively easy to implement on camping trips, just like at home. This starts with the CO₂ balance, because a holiday in a tent or camper is certainly more environmentally friendly than a plane trip or cruise. So if you want to continue experiencing the romance of camping in the great outdoors, discover in this article how you can easily save resources, materials, fuel and energy when camping. This way, our planet will continue to have the breathtaking scenery we know and love.

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Our tips for sustainable camping - without too many restrictions

The best thing about responsible camping is that you combine the pleasurable with the useful, because you spend a great time on a camping holiday and at the same time protect the environment.

1. drive responsibly

Even before you set off, you can do something for the environment by choosing the right vehicle model or tent. The vehicle should be as economical as possible and the tent as light as possible.

Fuel consumption is minimised by smart packing, which means loading as little weight as possible. Of course, you can quickly be tempted to pack a lot of unnecessary items due to the large storage space - but overloading in particular causes fuel consumption to skyrocket. We advise you to minimise your luggage and load. This also applies to clothing, utensils and provisions. The water tank should only be topped up minimally on the outward journey and dirty water should be drained before departure.

Fuel consumption can also be kept low by driving with foresight**, maintaining a constant speed and changing gear early. Avoid braking frequently, accelerating abruptly or leaving the air conditioning running all the time.

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2. choose environmentally friendly campsites

When choosing a campsite, you can also protect the environment, as many campsites are now run sustainably. For example, they generate the energy they offer from renewable sources, such as solar panels, wind or water power. These campsites also avoid waste-related pollution of the water or soil and generally try to maintain or optimise the natural eco-cycles on site.

3. always use resources conscientiously

Responsible camping also means taking advantage of the countless opportunities to save resources during your stay at the campsite. It's often the little things that can make a big difference. For example, you can take shorter showers or not let the water run unnecessarily when washing up. You could also charge electronic devices according to consumption and use solar energy, for example. Use energy-saving LED lights and turn down the air conditioning as often as you can or switch it off completely.

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4. recycle and dispose of your waste correctly - or avoid it altogether

Waste disposal** is an extremely important aspect of responsible camping. Recycling has long been a matter of course in everyday life. Why shouldn't it be the same when camping? Even if you avoid unnecessary packaging waste, your camping method is conscientious and environmentally friendly. Some waste will inevitably be produced - that's a given. Sort it correctly and dispose of it properly, even if some destinations do not have a functioning waste disposal system and the campsite may not have its own waste station. In such cases, you could look for containers in the neighbourhood and dispose of your waste there.

If there is no waste disposal system at all, you should avoid waste as much as possible and either reuse items (shopping bags, kitchen containers, etc.) or simply take them home with you after use (tubes of cream, batteries, etc.).

5. cycle, walk or take public transport

Explore the area around the campsite on foot or by bike. You don't always have to travel by car or motorhome to reach destinations further afield. This is environmentally friendly and you'll be doing something for your fitness at the same time. If it's raining cats and dogs, public transport is an alternative. This way you will experience your holiday region up close and get to know it much better - and you won't have to search for a parking space.

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Rules for wild camping

If respect for nature is a matter of course at the campsite, then wild camping should be all the more responsible and sustainable. Why? Because you are in direct contact with nature and there is no cleaning service to pick up leftovers and the like after your stay to clean up the site for other visitors. Wild camping is about showing how much you really love unspoilt nature and how much you care about a clean and liveable environment. Ultimately, it's about self-preservation; ours and that of humanity as a whole.

Note: Wild camping is not permitted in all countries or regions. It is best to find out in advance from the respective embassy whether free camping is permitted at all and what restrictions there are. If it is possible, please follow the previous points carefully and become the most responsible camper in the world.

Fires may generally only be lit at designated fireplaces and must always be carefully guarded. Please always be quiet and do not damage trees or plants. Personal hygiene products and cleaning agents should only be biodegradable, especially when wild camping, otherwise the chemicals they contain will enter the ecosystem and can damage it.

Please never camp in nature reserves, where animals and plants should be left alone and simply never disturbed.

We hope that our tips have helped you to make your camping holiday more sustainable and responsible. It is often enough to rethink your own camping routine just a little and correct individual behaviour patterns. We should all make an effort for the sake of the environment and keep in mind that sustainability and camping complement each other perfectly and easily.

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