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The right balance between training and regeneration

Why breaks between training sessions are essential

- Reading time 999 minutes

If you've only just started exercising, you may find it difficult to set up your own fitness plan. It is important to take breaks between training sessions so that your body can recover from the exertion. The length of the break depends on the intensity and duration of your training sessions. We'll tell you how to find the right balance between training and recovery.

How important is regeneration after sport?

Your body uses the regeneration phases between sports sessions to recover from your workout. This is not only important for your muscles and joints, but also for your cardiovascular system. If you don't take certain breaks between workouts, you increase the risk of injury as you overstrain your joints and muscles and they can no longer withstand the intensity of the exercise.

Regeneration between workouts also helps your body to withstand higher loads in the long term, allowing you to continuously increase the intensity of your training session. In this way, you also increase your performance through the recovery phase.

How long does it take to recover after sport?

Of course, the recovery phase depends on various factors such as the intensity and duration of your workout. It also depends on how fit you are. For beginners, the recovery time should be around twice as long** as for trained people.

After intensive endurance training of around one hour, the recovery time is around 24 or 48 hours. The same applies to moderate strength training. Roughly speaking, the recovery phase amounts to one to two days, but can of course be shorter or much longer depending on the intensity.

You can easily tell whether your body's recovery is not yet complete if, for example, your muscles are still sore after 36 hours. You should then give your body a little more rest so as not to overstrain it.

Understanding regeneration as a training session

Understandably, intensive and strenuous training requires your body to take longer to regenerate. It is therefore important to consciously build recovery phases into your training plan and customise them according to your workout.

You can differentiate between passive and active regeneration.

Passive regeneration

As the name suggests, regeneration takes place without your intervention. This means that during your regeneration phase you rest extensively and give your body the time it needs. It recovers on its own and gradually gives you back the energy you need. Here you can take a sauna** or a warm bath**. The *circulation* is stimulated by heat and the muscles recover faster from training.

Sauna von innen
Ein Saunagang kann den Schmerz lindern

If you can't imagine going without training for entire days, you should look into active regeneration. With these workouts you train at a low heart rate. This allows your body to continue to recover and you still keep moving. A short jog or swim would be an idea here. Exercises to loosen up the muscles are also a good choice for active regeneration. Such exercises can be performed with our fascia roller, for example, which also promotes blood circulation.

Active regeneration promotes the recovery of your body with the help of movement. This allows you to get going again more quickly and keep moving at the same time.

Bahnen vom Schwimmbad aus der Vogelperspektive
Aktive Regeneration durch leichte Übungen wie Schwimmen

What to do for quick regeneration?

In addition to passive and, above all, active regeneration phases, there are other tricks on how to regenerate faster and rebalance your body. Note the following during and after training:

End each workout a little more leisurely than you started it. This means, for example, slowing down a little when running and not pushing yourself so hard. In this way, your body will slowly start to return to its normal state during training and muscle recovery will start sooner.

During sports regeneration, you should place a lot of emphasis on relaxation. This includes yoga or meditation, for example. Muscle relaxation is also important for your body's recovery phase.

You should also make sure you get enough sleep. While we sleep, the body regenerates itself and is set to "reset". This builds up your muscles and the body relaxes. Make sure you get around eight hours of sleep.

Bett mit Tasse Tee und Büchern und Notizheften
Schlaf und Entspannung als Schlüssel zur Regeneration

Use the time of regeneration to recover not only your body, but also your mind. Above all, active regeneration contributes to a faster recovery of your body. Make sure you relax enough and get enough sleep. Our tips will favour regeneration and you will start your next workout even fitter!

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