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Table tennis: Rules and forms of play

The most important rules for table tennis matches and varied forms of play

- Reading time 999 minutes

Table tennis is not only one of the best-known backstroke sports, but is also a favourite game with friends. Whether in your own garden or in the hobby room - a game of table tennis with friends is always a good idea. Here you will find all the important rules to follow when playing table tennis. We also reveal varied forms of play and explain why table tennis is not only fun, but also has positive effects on your health.

The right preparation

Think about whether you would prefer to play table tennis indoors or outdoors. If you decide in favour of outdoors, make sure that your table tennis table is extremely robust and weather-resistant should it get caught in the odd rain shower. It is worth using a table tennis cover to protect your outdoor table tennis table from rain, wind and UV rays when you are not using it. It can be folded up and stowed away to save space.

You should also protect your indoor table tennis table from dust with a cover and be able to fold it up compactly. If you want to use the room for other purposes, the table tennis table can be stowed away to save space. Especially indoors, make sure that you can move around easily during the game and that there is enough space around the table tennis table.

In addition to a table tennis table, you will also need table tennis bats and balls before you start playing.

The most important table tennis rules at a glance

Stick to certain rules of the game, especially when serving table tennis, but also when changing the ball, so as not to risk making a mistake. The goal is for the opponent not to hit the ball so that you can score a point in your favour.

In principle, a game is played in at least three sets. To win, you must have at least 11 points in a set and also two points ahead of your opponent. After each set, the players switch sides. If you are playing the deciding set, you change sides after just five points. As soon as a player wins three sets, the game is over. A maximum of five sets is therefore played. The final score can therefore be as follows: 3:0, 3:1, 3:2.

Nahaufnahme Tischtennisplatte Indoor mit Netz
Die Seiten werden nach jedem Satz gewechselt

Table tennis serves

There are a few rules to observe when serving:

  • The draw decides which player starts the game. You can choose between serve or side selection. If you decide in favour of the serve, you specify who starts with the serve or return. If you choose the side, you choose the side of the table tennis table. Your opponent can choose the other option.
  • When serving, you should place the ball in your open hand.
  • Throw the ball at least 16 cm - preferably vertically - into the air. The ball must be thrown up behind the edge of the table tennis table. Otherwise the serve is counted as a fault and the opponent is awarded a point.
  • Hit the table tennis ball with the table tennis racket so that the ball first hits your own side of the table, then bounces over the net and hits the opponent's side. Note that in singles it is irrelevant where the ball lands on the opponent's side. In doubles, however, the ball is played diagonally on the serve.
  • If the ball touches the table tennis net on the serve and still bounces to the other side of the table tennis table, you may repeat the serve - as often as necessary. However, if the ball does not reach the opponent's side, the opponent scores a point.
  • After two points, it is the other player's turn to serve**. However, there is an exception if the score is *10:10*. In this case, the players switch serves *after each point*.

Rules for the rally in table tennis

You should know the following rules when playing a rally:

  • Every time you play the ball to your opponent, the ball must hit your table once.
  • Unlike when serving, you can continue to play if the ball touches the net and still lands on the opponent's side.
  • If the ball touches the edge of the table**, this is *not counted as a fault*.

The most popular forms of table tennis

In addition to the classic singles or doubles, there are lots of other forms of play. You can vary your table tennis games depending on the number of players.

Singles & Doubles

Playing singles or doubles are the most common ways to play table tennis. In singles, two players play against each other - in doubles, however, four. The difference in the rules is that the players play the serve diagonally in doubles. In addition, the players always play alternately. This means that the same player cannot receive the ball twice in a row.


If you want to play with several people - four or more people, for example - the round robin is a good option. All players run clockwise around the table tennis table. When it's your turn, you hit the ball and run to the other side of the table. If you don't hit the ball, you are eliminated.


You play this variation of table tennis with several people. Two teams** are formed and the players take turns**. You decide when to switch - either after a certain number of points or strokes.


If you want to practise secretly or no partner is available, you still have the option of playing a round of table tennis. For your solo training, simply fold one side of the table tennis table upwards and the game can begin in playback mode. Joey Kelly also trains for the next match in this way to prepare himself perfectly!

Joey Kelly mit auf einer Seite hochgeklappter Tischtennisplatte, um im Single-Modus zu spielen
Joey Kelly im Alleintraining

Positive effects on your health

In addition to the fun factor, table tennis is also good for your health - both physically and mentally. Above all, tennis trains your speed and mobility. After all, this backstroke sport is particularly fast and you have to react very quickly, which is challenging. This not only strengthens your leg and gluteal muscles, but also your shoulder and arm muscles due to the way you hit the ball.

Table tennis also improves your coordination and concentration. After all, you have to constantly pay attention to what you are doing and how your opponent is reacting. Above all, the training strengthens your hand-eye coordination.

Skandika Tischtennisplatte Indoor Advanced
Indoor Tischtennisplatte mit Tischtennisschlägern

If you follow the table tennis rules, you don't risk losing a point. Pay attention to the correct serve and the ball change and the game can begin. The different forms of play allow you to vary the game on the table tennis table. This way you can play in exciting table tennis tournaments. In addition to the fun factor, you'll even be doing something for your fitness - a perfect combination.

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