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A cold and sport: what you should bear in mind

What effects sport has on the body during a cold and how to get back into training

- Reading time 999 minutes

The nights are getting longer and the days shorter. Temperatures also drop - rain and snow are not uncommon. The cold season is the time when colds and flu-like infections are more common. Is sport still possible with a cold? Here we explain the effects of sport with a cold on your body, what you need to look out for and how you can get back into training after a cold.

Why take a break from sport when you have a cold?

When you have a cold, your immune system is under attack and tries to use its defences sensibly so that you are fit again quickly. Exercise often has the opposite effect to having a positive effect on your body. As your body is already working at full speed, additional exercise or an intensive workout would further weaken your body. It would need even more energy than it actually has at its disposal - it can't cope with that. Any energy reserves are needed for the recovery process.

What are the possible consequences of exercising when you have a cold?

The consequences of exercise during a cold can vary. This is because the course of illness is very individual, as every body reacts differently to illness and therefore the symptoms are different.

1. longer course of the disease

A prolonged course of illness means that your body needs longer to fully recover through intensive sport. This delays the healing process. As a result, you would have to pause your training even longer than necessary and further interrupt your workout routine.

2. symptoms may intensify

Due to the weakened immune system, there is also a risk - even if you were already on the road to recovery - that symptoms of the cold will worsen again or other symptoms will be added.

3. other diseases can develop

In fact, exercise during a cold can have more serious consequences than just making you rest a little longer or exacerbating the symptoms of a cold. Common illnesses here include lung or heart muscle inflammation.

Doing sport with a cold can therefore have long-term consequences for your health. It is therefore advisable not to overestimate yourself with any type of cold and to take a longer break and rest. That way, you'll start your training again refreshed and fit.

Tip: Even if you notice that you are coming down with a cold but still feel fit enough, you should reduce your training programme as a precaution. Even during the incubation period, intensive training can have a negative effect on your body.

How can I keep moving despite having a cold?

As long as you don't feel so tired that you want to lie in bed all the time, a walk or nordic walking, for example, is a good option. Time in the fresh air and light exercise can do you a world of good. Your circulation is revitalised and your mood is lifted.

In winter in particular, however, you should make sure you dress nice and warm** - so you don't catch the next cold straight away. Just don't overdo it and stick to slow movements and a short walk. However, if you have symptoms such as a fever, for example, you should avoid exercise altogether and cure yourself properly at home. A fever indicates that your body is already working at full speed and fighting the virus.

Frau bei einem Spaziergang durch einen Herbstwald
Ein kleiner Spaziergang kann bei einer Erkältung guttun

When and how can I do sport again after a cold?

Once your cold symptoms have subsided, it is best to wait a few more days to make sure that the cold or flu is really over and you are completely fit again. After a cold, you should then slowly return to sport. This means that you should not use your full power and not do your entire training programme from start to finish. Start with slightly less strenuous and shorter units. It doesn't matter whether you usually train on your rowing machine or cross trainer at home, go jogging regularly or do sports at a club. This can sometimes be frustrating at first, especially if you were already much fitter in your training before the cold. However, you will find it easier to get back into training and quickly find your routine and pace again.

Sportler mit roter Jacke im Park beim Joggen
Steige langsam wieder in das Training ein und verringe dein Pensum

Sport should not be underestimated when you have a cold. It's better to rest a little longer and recover completely before getting back into your routine. This will help you avoid a more severe course of the illness or even worse consequences such as long-term illness of your body.

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