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Multi-resistance bands: 30 exercises for your Nemo rowing machine

- Reading time 999 minutes

Get more out of your training with the Nemo water rowing machine!

Our multi-resistance bands add variety to your rowing training and ensure that you can specifically define individual body zones, strengthen your muscles and increase your power.

You can find out how to attach the fitness bands correctly to the rowing machine here. We also have 30 varied exercises including training tips on how to do them correctly.

Exercises for arms, shoulders & back

Abdominal & core exercises

Exercises for legs & bum

Attach resistance bands correctly to the rowing machine

  1. first make sure that your Nemo rowing machine is compatible with the multi-resistance bands and has the appropriate device. Compatible water rowing machines have a thread for screwing in the metal eyelets. You will find the thread on the frame near the water tank and the transport rollers. 2 Screw the metal eyelets included in the scope of delivery into the thread.
  2. as soon as the metal eyelets are screwed in, you can attach the resistance bands with the carabiners and start your resistance training.

Note: Fill the tank with water before you start training. The weight of a full water tank ensures that your rowing machine is stable when training with the resistance bands. This gives you more stability when performing resistance exercises.

Multi-Widerstandsbänder Set

64,95 €49,95 €

Rudergerät Nemo IV

1.099,00 €699,00 €

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879,00 €699,00 €

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Get more out of your training with the Nemo water rowing machine!

Our multi-resistance bands add variety to your rowing training and ensure that you can specifically define individual body zones, strengthen your muscles and increase your power.

You can find out how to attach the fitness bands correctly to the rowing machine here. We also have 30 varied exercises including training tips on how to do them correctly.

Exercises for arms, shoulders & back

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Biceps Curl Bar mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 1: Biceps Curl Single

Bend your knees slightly. Your back and wrists are straight. Stretch your arms out in front of your body and bend them alternately. Keep your elbows close to your body.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Biceps Curl Bar mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 2: Biceps Curl Bar

Bend your knees slightly. Your back and wrists are straight. Stretch your arms out in front of your body and bend them at the same time. Keep your elbows close to your body.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Triceps Curl Single mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 3: Triceps Curl Single

Grasp the handle behind your head with one hand. Support your arm just below the elbow to stabilise it. Now stretch your arm vertically upwards without any momentum.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Triceps Curl Bar mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 4: Triceps Curl Bar

Kneel on the mat. Grasp the bar tightly with both hands and lower it behind your head. Now stretch your arms vertically upwards.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Chestpress mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 5: Chest Press

Find a stable starting position in a lunge with your leg down. Forcefully push the bar forwards from your upper chest to above head height. Your stomach is firm and your back is straight.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Shoulderpress mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 6: Shoulder Press

Kneeling or standing, push the bar straight up from your chest or shoulders and over your head. Your abdomen is tensed to avoid a hollow back.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Cable Row mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 7: Cable Row

Grip the bar with your arms outstretched at about shoulder width with an underhand grip. Stand up straight and bend your knees slightly. Your back is straight. Now slowly pull the bar up to your lower chest.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Bend Over Raise mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 8: Bent Over Raise

Stand with your knees slightly bent at a distance from the device. Bend forward and grasp the handle with your opposite arm. Raise your arm straight until it is in line with your shoulders.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Bend Over Row mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 9: Bent Over Row

Bend forwards with your back straight. Keep your arms loosely stretched in the direction of the rowing machine. Now pull the handles evenly towards you and next to your stomach with both arms.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Upright Row mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 10: Upright Row

Place your hands slightly closer than shoulder width. Pull the bar close to your body, over your elbows and under your chin. Your elbows are in line with your shoulders.

Abdominal & core exercises

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Sitting Crunch mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 15: Sitting Crunch

Lie on your back, lift your legs and upper back. Now come up with your upper body at the same time and pull your knees towards your chest. Use your hands to support your sides.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Oblique Crunch mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 16: Oblique Crunch

Lie on your side. Straighten your legs. They lie on top of each other and form a line with your buttocks and upper body. Now bring your upper knee together with your upper elbow.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Cross Over Crunch mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 17: Cross Over Crunch

Raise your upper back and pull your elbows and knees in a crossed position so that they touch at the height of your body centre.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Bicycle Crunch mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 18: Bicycle Crunch

You are lying on your back with the cuffs on your feet. Alternately and as quickly as possible, bring your right shoulder and left knee together, then your left shoulder and right knee together.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Russian Twist mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 19: Russian Twist

Sit on the floor leaning slightly backwards with your legs bent and the bar on your shoulders. Now turn your upper body to one side. Your lower body should remain as motionless as possible.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Woodchopper mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 20: Woodchopper

Start at knee height of your opposite leg. Keep both arms straight and pull the handle diagonally upwards by turning your upper body.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Side Bend mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 21: Side Bend

Stand upright, far enough away from the device. Now bend your upper body to the side. The arm on the handle remains extended the whole time. Only use the strength from your lateral abdominal muscles.

Exercises for legs & bum

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Squats mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 22: Squats

The bar rests on your shoulders. Do not bend your knees beyond the top of your toes until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Your bum is pushed backwards. The tank is between your legs.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Squat Row mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 23: Squat Row

Start in a shoulder-width squat position. Your arms are stretched. Now come upright at the same time with a row pull. Your back is straight throughout the entire exercise.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Side Squat mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 24: Side squat

Stand upright with an ankle cuff on the opposite leg. Take a big step to the side and come into a wide sumo squat. Your arms are crossed in front of your chest.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Lunches mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 25: Lunges

Position the bar on your shoulders. From a hip-width stance, take a wide step backwards. Your front leg is at a 90° angle. Your knee is maximally level with the tip of your foot.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Side Lunch mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 26: Side Lunge

Start in an upright position. Shift your centre of gravity to one side, lift your foot off the floor and take a wide lunge to the side. The knee is maximally aligned over the toe.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Kickbacks mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 27: Kickbacks

Start in a quadruped position with the ankle cuff on the leg you are training. As you stretch backwards, tense your bottom at the end. Avoid gaining momentum before moving backwards.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Hip Abduktion mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 28: Hip Abduction

Stand at the side of the device and attach the ankle cuff to the opposite leg. Move your leg slowly and in a controlled manner as far outwards as possible without moving your hips.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Hamstrings mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 29: Hamstrings

Fasten the ankle cuffs and lie on your stomach. Pull your lower legs over your heels towards your buttocks, keeping your hips and upper body in contact with the floor at all times.

Richtige Ausführung der Übung Cable Pull Through mit Widerstandsband und Rudergerät

Exercise 30: Cable Pull Through

With your back straight, bend your knees and stretch your bum backwards. Pull the straps on the handle between your legs - just by straightening your knees and pushing your pelvis forwards.

Attach resistance bands correctly to the rowing machine

  1. first make sure that your Nemo rowing machine is compatible with the multi-resistance bands and has the appropriate device. Compatible water rowing machines have a thread for screwing in the metal eyelets. You will find the thread on the frame near the water tank and the transport rollers. 2 Screw the metal eyelets included in the scope of delivery into the thread.
  2. as soon as the metal eyelets are screwed in, you can attach the resistance bands with the carabiners and start your resistance training.

Note: Fill the tank with water before you start training. The weight of a full water tank ensures that your rowing machine is stable when training with the resistance bands. This gives you more stability when performing resistance exercises.

Buy multi-resistance bands set

Compatible Nemo water rowers

Further exercises with multi-resistance bands