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Abisko - The best exercise bike

with adjustment to body size

Correct sitting position during ergometer training thanks to the app

- Reading time 999 minutes

How high should the saddle be on the ergometer and how do I set the correct handlebar position correctly? Thanks to the app-controlled saddle and handlebar adjustment, you can simply concentrate on training and don't have to worry about precise settings. Our new Abisko exercise bike combines modern design, technical innovation and user-friendliness.

Simple operation of the ergometer

Innovative fitness equipment with special settings and features is particularly popular with athletes - especially when it comes to user-friendliness and easy handling. Our exercise bike is the world's first intelligent ergometer with automatic ergonomic adjustment to body size via app. This makes our Abisko the only ergometer that uses an app to record your body measurements and then adjusts the device to the right position.

The ergometer is also funded by the BMWK - the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. It was also developed in collaboration with Clausthal University of Technology.

Ergonomic sitting is particularly important during training

A common problem when using an ergometer is that beginners in particular are unsure about how to adjust the handlebar and saddle on the exercise bike correctly to suit their body size. Many exercisers often underestimate the importance of the correct sitting position during a workout.

However, the correct sitting position on the ergometer is particularly important for effective training that is easy on the joints. Incorrect settings can lead to back or neck pain and impair posture and training comfort. It is important to ensure the ideal sitting position. The distance from saddle to handlebar is essential for sitting correctly, especially on an ergometer.

What Olympic athlete and our brand ambassador Max Rendschmidt says about our new Abisko exercise bike:

As a competitive athlete, it is important that I have a varied training plan that is tailored to me as a canoeist in order to optimally prepare for competitions. I also like to use different fitness equipment for my workout or try out new sports to keep fit and add variety to my training to prevent muscular imbalances. For example, I use my Abisko ergometer when I want to train my endurance and, above all, the strength in my legs. The exercise bike automatically adjusts to my height to give me the ideal sitting position - that's the be-all and end-all for joint-friendly training.

Tip: In our blog we explain further useful tips on correct training on the ergometer.

Sportlerin auf dem Abisko Heimtrainer beim Workout
Die richtige Sitzposition beim Ergometer Training ist besonders wichtig

Automatic adjustment of handlebars and saddle via app

Our Fitness App makes it easier for you to start training. The ergometer is automatically adjusted to your body size. The Skandika Fitness app records step, torso, body, arm, lower leg and thigh length. In this way, the individual and optimal sitting position is transmitted to the device via Bluetooth. This means that all your body proportions are recorded by the app so that you have a customised training experience. This saves you having to deal with manual settings and automatically gives you the right sitting position for your ergometer. The lack of prior knowledge regarding the correct adjustments is easily compensated for by our app.

Once the data has been recorded, our Abisko then automatically moves the saddle and handlebars to the right position and your training can begin. This ensures a comfortable and effective workout without you having to make any adjustments yourself. This not only increases training comfort, but also reduces the likelihood of injury. It also allows you to optimise your success and results during your workout.

Our Skandika Fitness app is available in the Apple or Google Play store.

Mann hält Smartphone mit Skandika Fitness App in den Vordergrund, während die App Körpermaße einer Sportlerin ermittelt
Skandika Fitness App erfasst die Körpermaße automatisch per Foto

Suitable training for everyone

Thanks to a variety of practical functions and settings, our ergometer is suitable for people of different fitness levels and body sizes.

Saving user profiles

You have the option of creating and saving user profiles. This means that the exercise bike can be used by different people in the same household without having to make new settings before each workout. This enables a quick start to the workout.

Easy start thanks to easy entry position

To make it easier to get started, the Abisko automatically returns to the lowest position after connecting. You then simply sit on the exercise bike, select your user profile and the Abisko moves to the correct position. This makes our **ergometer suitable for senior citizens **or people with restricted mobility, as it makes it as easy as possible for them to get started. It also favours training on the ergometer for smaller people.

Suitable for your body size

Another particularly practical feature is that our Abisko is suitable for any height from 155 to 190 cm, with an inside leg length of 68 to 86 cm. This means that the ergometer can be used by both smaller and taller people, which is particularly helpful if several people want to train on the exercise bike.

Sportler auf dem Abisko Ergometer in schwarz
Das Abisko findet die passende Einstellung für alle Trainierenden

The best home fitness equipment is characterised by intuitive operation. To determine the correct sitting position on our ergometer, all you need to do is record your body proportions via app. This makes our Abisko particularly user-friendly. With an easy and time-saving start to training and the option to create multiple user profiles, the exercise bike is the ideal addition to your home gym.

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