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This is how your calorie consumption is made up

Calculating the basal metabolic rate and determining your power metabolic rate

- Reading time 999 minutes

Your body continuously consumes energy, which it takes up again in the form of food. This consumption is measured in the form of calories. But how do you know the minimum number of calories you need to consume each day and what factors contribute to your calorie consumption? We explain what the total calorie intake is all about and how to determine your basal metabolic rate.

What is the basal metabolic rate?

The basal metabolic rate of your calories is also called basal metabolic rate - BMR for short - and determines how much energy your body uses without you exercising. The basal metabolic rate therefore describes the calorie consumption at rest. This is why it is often referred to as the resting energy requirement. This means that your body can carry out its life-sustaining measures with this amount of calories. This includes the functions of your organs, such as breathing or digestion. In other words, everything that your body does automatically without you actively doing anything for it.

The basal metabolic rate of calories varies from person to person. Four decisive factors come together here: height, weight, age and gender. Calories are absorbed through food - through fat, carbohydrates and protein. This means that each person has to eat a different amount of food to cover their basal metabolic rate so that the body can carry out its functions. Overall, it can be said that around 60% of your energy requirements fall on your basal metabolic rate.

Frau, die auf der Couch liegt
Der Grundumsatz wird auch Ruheenergiebedarf genannt, da es den Kalorienumsatz im Ruhezustand darstellt

How do I calculate my basal metabolic rate?

There are various methods for calculating your basal metabolic rate. We explain the calculation using a simple rule of thumb and also the significance of the Harris-Benedict formula, which is much more precise. Here, a distinction is made between women and men, as men have a higher average muscle mass than women. Women, on the other hand, have a higher percentage of body fat.

Simple calculation for your basal metabolic rate

If you want to calculate your basal metabolic rate, you can simply multiply your body weight by 24 hours to get a rough guide.

Women: Basal metabolic rate = 0.9 * body weight (kg) * 24

Men: Basal metabolic rate = body weight (kg) * 24

This rule of thumb will give you a rough idea of your body's daily basal metabolic rate.

Calculate the basal metabolic rate with the Harris-Benedict formula

However, the Harris-Benedict formula is more precise. This calorie basal metabolic rate formula is made up of your height, weight and age. You will also find a formula for males and females. However, the percentage of body fat or your own diet is not taken into account here either. These factors, as well as existing illnesses, can also influence your BMR. This can cause your calorie basal metabolic rate to fluctuate by around 15%.

Women: Basal metabolic rate = 655.1+ (9.6 * body weight (kg))+ (1.8 * height (cm))- (4.7 * age (years))

Men: Basal metabolic rate = 66.47+ (13.7 * body weight (kg))+ (5 * height (cm))- (6.8 * age (years))

Why should I know my basal metabolic rate of calories?

Calculating your basal metabolic rate is particularly important if you want to lose weight or build muscle mass. When losing weight, however, you should be careful not to set your calorie deficit lower than your basal metabolic rate**, as this can otherwise harm your body. Fatigue, sluggishness and an increased susceptibility to illness can be the result of an insufficient energy intake. Your metabolism can also deteriorate as a result. Stick to increasing your *basal metabolic rate with the help of weight training*, as muscle mass burns more calories at rest than body fat. This means that *people with more muscle automatically consume more calories*. For you, this means that if you want to lose weight, you should focus on strength training, which will increase your *basal metabolic rate* and ultimately your total metabolic rate.

However, if you want to build muscle mass, you should consume more calories than your basal metabolic rate.

How do I determine my power metabolic rate?

Power metabolic rate includes all the physical activities you do every day. Things like household chores, physical labour or sport all count towards the power metabolic rate, which is determined by the Physical Acitivity Level (PAL).

PAL valueActivity
1.2exclusively lying or sitting
1.4-1.5almost exclusively sitting, very little exercise in leisure time
1.6-1.7mainly sitting, little walking and standing, moderate sport
1.8-1.9mainly walking or standing, moderate sport
2.0-2.4physically strenuous exercise (athletes, strenuous work)

Ultimately, an increasing metabolic rate automatically means an increased energy intake, i.e. an increased calorie requirement and therefore also an increased PAL value. Here, for example, endurance sport greatly increases your energy expenditure.

What is the daily calorie requirement?

The daily calorie requirement - also known as total metabolic rate - is therefore made up of the basal metabolic rate and the power metabolic rate. You can roughly determine your total metabolic rate using the PAL value and your basal metabolic rate. To do this, multiply your PAL value by your basal metabolic rate.

Total metabolic rate = PAL value*basal metabolic rate

Gruppe die Sport macht und Leistungsumsatz steigert
Durch mehr Bewegung steigt dein Leistungsumsatz und dadurch dein Gesamtumsatz an Kalorien

The total metabolic rate is therefore made up of basic and performance metabolic rate and can be roughly determined using guide values. If you are aiming to lose weight, you should focus on a combination of endurance and strength training to increase your total metabolic rate. Strength training is easy to do from anywhere with our fitness bands. Ergometers, rowing machines or cross trainers are your ideal companion if you want to increase your endurance. You can also find training plans to help you pursue your fitness goals.

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