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Fit in the home office - 6 exercises & tips to bring movement into the working day

How you can integrate workout ideas into your working day

- Reading time 999 minutes

Anyone who sits at a desk all day is simply not moving enough. People who work at a desk spend an average of 9.6 hours a day sitting down. If you're also longing for more movement in the office, then you've come to the right place - we present the best 6 exercises for the office and home office.

Even a short workout of just a few minutes improves mobility, strengthens muscles and improves coordination. Exercise at work also promotes concentration and our mental health, as the oxygen supply to the brain is increased.

Frau am Laptop am Tisch sitzend von oben fotografiert mit Terminplaner und einer Tasse Tee
Verbinde deinen Büroalltag mit etwas Bewegung

Tips for sitting correctly

Regular exercise sessions performed directly at the desk are very effective. Sitting correctly remains the basis and is extremely important. How quickly do we fall into a slouched posture? But this can be counteracted by a signal that reminds us to sit up straight. This could be an alarm clock or a reminder in your smartphone calendar. Soon the body will automatically straighten its back at the sound of the reminder. With a correct sitting posture, the maximum ratio between the upper and lower leg is 90°.

Use your workplace for a workout!

1st exercise for legs and thighs

You can take a lot of pressure off your legs while sitting. To do this, sit upright and place both feet parallel on the floor. Now place the ankle of the left leg on the knee of the right leg and stretch the whole side by applying light pressure to the left knee. Repeat with the other leg. If you lean your upper body slightly forwards, the stretching effect will be even greater. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds.

In general, you should often make phone calls and hold meetings or walk up the stairs to the printer while standing. Because the best sitting position is not to sit at all.

2. exercise for the back muscles

Another exercise that improves fitness in the home office is stretching the spine. Sit upright on the chair, interlace the fingers of both hands and stretch your arms vertically over your head and as far back as possible. The tension in your upper arms should be clearly noticeable. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds and then slowly return to the starting position with your arms forwards.

Frau, die ihre Arme über den Kopf nach oben streckt
In dieser Position wird die Wirbelsäule gestreckt

3. exercise for neck, neck and shoulders

Strengthen the front neck muscles by sitting upright against the wall. To do this, lean the back of your head against the wall and tilt your head slightly forwards. The back of your head glides upwards without separating from the wall. You will feel tension in your neck. Hold the position for about 8 seconds and repeat the exercise after a break. If you then press your hand against your forehead and exert gentle counter-pressure with your head, you will casually strengthen the neck and shoulder area.

In addition to the exercises that you can do with your own body weight, there are a few that you can do on the side with fitness equipment suitable for the office.

4. 10,000 steps a day with the walking pad

How about Nordic walking in the office? Walking pads are increasingly finding their way into everyday working life. No wonder, because they are usually small, ultra-compact and extremely practical to use. They fit into even the smallest office and can be folded up and stowed away in the smallest of spaces. In keeping with the motto "walk yourself healthy", you can do a lot of office work on the treadmill or take a few minutes to walk in between.

With its innovative folding mechanism and integrated transport wheels, our walking pad is a handy training device that is ideal for the Active Office and will get your circulation going in no time.

Person auf dem Walkingpad
Walkingpad im Büro für etwas Bewegung

5. mini bike under the desk for more movement while working

Another ideal source of exercise in the office can be cycling with an Under Desk Bike - also known as a mini exercise bike. As the name suggests, these devices are ideal for use under the desk. You can actually cycle on them during any office activity, be it typing, reading, telephoning or whatever. This increases your calorie consumption and stimulates your metabolism at the same time. Mental performance also increases as the brain is better supplied with blood.

Our Mini Bike Liten takes up very little space under the desk and is therefore the ideal training device for the office. Regular use keeps your feet, hips and knees agile, while the movement also reduces stress hormones. It is so light that you can also place it on your desk to train your chest and arm muscles. Alternatively, you can also use our Office Bike, which can easily be placed under the desk.

6. fitness bands for a short fitness break

Fitness bands, also known as fitness loops or loop bands, are another tool that is ideal for training in between workouts at the office. They are small, lightweight and you can easily take them with you wherever you go. Pull them out during your lunch break and do some exercises. You can find tips and exercise examples in our blog post about fitness bands. Our fitness bands in a set of 3 with their different resistance levels are a real all-rounder that you can use to train your bum, arms and legs at any time.

Fitnessbänder-Set auf einem Glastisch mit zwei Sesseln im Hintergrund und Trinkflasche
Mit Fitnessbändern kannst du alle Körperregionen gleichermaßen effektiv trainieren

Many studies have now shown how much exercise in the office has a positive effect on the body and mind. Even very simple exercises can help you to keep your body fit and stay active in the office or at home. The important thing is to maintain a certain regularity - true to the motto: keep at it, stay fit!

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