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Effective remedies for cellulite - what really helps!

How to reduce orange peel skin in the long term and improve your well-being

- Reading time 999 minutes

95% of all women have cellulite - regardless of their body weight. Although this connective tissue weakness is completely normal, women can still do a lot to reduce the bumps on their thighs and buttocks. Here you will find useful information on the subject of cellulite and helpful tips for successfully combating orange skin.

Cellulite - What orange peel skin is & how it differs

The technical term "dermopanniculosis deformans" refers to a dent-like deformation of the skin surface, also known as orange peel skin. It mainly appears on the thighs and buttocks, but can also occur on the upper arms, forearms, stomach or breasts. Practically on all parts of the body where fat deposits are stored. Cellulite is often mistaken for cellulite. In contrast to cellulite, cellulite is a natural change in the skin layers and is not a symptom of disease.

A distinction is made between four different stages of cellulite depending on the severity:_

  1. no visible cellulite.
  2. a wavy skin surface can be recognised when the muscles are tensed or when parts of the skin are pushed together.
  3. dents are clearly recognisable even without external influence.
  4. a large-pored skin surface is visible at rest and when lying down.
Halbierte Orange auf Holztisch
Cellulite wird auch als Orangenhaut bezeichnet

Why do more women than men have cellulite?

Why does cellulite almost exclusively affect women? Basically, men have completely different connective tissue than women. Masculine connective tissue is arranged diagonally, whereas in women it is vertical. This is exactly what allows the fat cells to expand upwards into the tissue above. As this cannot happen in men due to the diagonal position of the connective tissue cells, cellulite is so rare in men. Only 2% of all men have cellulite.

Women who are overweight or have weak connective tissue, on the other hand, can develop cellulite at a young age. From the age of 40, testosterone levels in women decrease, which leads to an increase in the hormone oestrogen in the blood, causing more fat to be stored in the fat cells more quickly. This in turn, in combination with the feminine connective tissue, can lead to the formation of the phenomenon of cellulite, which is even considered a gender-specific characteristic in dermatology.

As women also have fewer collagen fibres, their skin is thinner and more elastic than that of men. The crucial point, however, is the muscle percentage, which is many times higher in men than in women, who in turn have a higher fat percentage compared to men.

So remember: the more muscle there is, the firmer the skin is.

Other causes of weak connective tissue and cellulite

In addition to genetic factors, there are a number of other causes that further weaken the female connective tissue and thus promote orange peel skin.

  • Extreme diets. Major weight fluctuations and excessive dieting are poison for the connective tissue. Nothing promotes cellulite more.
  • Lack of exercise. Muscle mass is quickly replaced by fat deposits.
  • Smoking. Nicotine consumption leads to constriction of the blood vessels in the skin and, in the long term, to poor circulation in the connective tissue.
  • Numerous fat deposits. Regardless of body weight, even very slim women can have an increased number of fat deposits. The more of them there are, the more visible cellulite becomes.
  • Chronic stress. All body processes, including the metabolism, are negatively affected. The result is again the storage of water and fat and thus the development of cellulite.
  • Hormone fluctuations. Pregnancy, menopause or illness-related hormonal rollercoasters favour cellulite to a greater extent.
  • Slow metabolism. Together with metabolic disorders, this hinders or slows down the supply of sufficient nutrients to the connective tissue. Swelling and water retention can occur.
  • Poor circulation. This factor also promotes cellulite due to tight clothing, obesity or diabetes.

How can I actively combat cellulite?

Cellulite cannot be completely avoided, but women can prevent it and reduce it considerably with the right measures. Below you will find methods that actually help.

Sport and fascia training

Sport remains the ultimate remedy for cellulite. Because where there are muscles, there is no fat that can penetrate the connective tissue. Plenty of exercise therefore reduces and prevents cellulite. Cardio training three times a week with extra strength training for the legs is guaranteed to bring you success.

A strengthened musculature also guarantees firmer skin. That's exactly the combo that will help you get rid of cellulite. Sport naturally also boosts the metabolism and blood circulation, whereby training with fascia rollers not only strengthens the muscles, but above all the connective tissue. Muscles and fascia are stretched with foam rollers, better supplied with blood and oxygen. Exercises can be done standing, lying down, sitting or kneeling.

The fact is that training with fascia rollers activates deeper muscle groups and significantly improves the general appearance of cellulite. Fascia relaxation causes the fat under the skin to lie flatter.

Frau bei Trainingsübung mit Faszienrolle gegen Cellulite
Trainingsübung mit Faszienrolle gegen Cellulite

In general, women should pay much more attention to the connective tissue, i.e. the fascia, which connects and holds everything in our body together.

The right diet for cellulite

You should stick to two basic rules when it comes to your diet: balanced and low in fat. If you eat this way and make sure you eat enough fruit and vegetables, you can keep cellulite at bay. Above all, fat reserves should always be kept under control.

Reduce foods with refined sugar, alcohol, coffee and saturated fatty acids. Because these promote orange peel skin immensely. You should favour vegetable fats such as olive oil or rapeseed oil over animal fats such as butter. In particular, you should avoid the combination of saturated fats and simple carbohydrates (such as in white flour).

On the other hand, your diet should contain sufficient vitamins and all macronutrients. Vitamin E, which is found in high concentrations in citrus fruits, vegetables, nuts and wholegrain products, protects your cells. Vitamin A supports your skin renewal and is found particularly in tuna, eggs and liver sausage.

It is also important to drink enough liquid to keep your skin moisturised and elastic. At least 2 litres of water a day is recommended.

In addition to wholemeal pasta, rice and potatoes, your diet should also include sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as lean meat, fish and low-fat dairy products. To avoid water retention, you should also use low-salt seasoning.

Gesundes Essen mit buntem Gemüse, gegrilltem Lachs und Quinoa
Eine gesunde, fettarme Ernährung beugt Cellulite vor

Massages and anti-cellulite products

Cellulite cannot simply be massaged or creamed away, but with the right massage technique and various anti-cellulite products, at least the outer layer of skin can be firmed and orange peel skin reduced.

Our tip: Use the care products regularly and don't just apply cream to the top layer of skin, but massage the cosmetic products carefully into the skin. This will stimulate both circulation and lymph flow at the same time. Care products containing caffeine, retinol (vitamin A), green tea, ginseng or salicylic acid have proven to be particularly effective against cellulite.

To intensify the anti-cellulite effect of the massage, you should make it an important part of your daily beauty routine. Circular movements from the calves upwards in combination with alternating showers are suitable for this. Alternatively, you can use a dry brush to stimulate the skin and connective tissue. A massage roller is also helpful here, thanks to which you can promote blood circulation and relax with various exercises and do something good for your body.

Conclusion on orange peel skin

Ultimately, cellulite cannot be completely avoided, but with our tips and regular care, it can at least be improved somewhat - even without treatment.

Nobody is perfect and nature has certainly thought of something to make female skin and connective tissue a little more elastic. Especially during pregnancy, the female body would otherwise not be able to cope with the enormous changes. So the motto is positive self-acceptance!

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