25 Multi-Resistance Bands exercices

Get more out of your resistance bands workout! 

Our multi-resistance bands bring variety to your training and help you to concentrate on specific body zones, strengthen your muscles and increase your strength.

We have 25 versatile exercises for you, including training tips on how to do them correctly.

Resistance training for the whole body

Simply click which body zones you want to train.

Exercises for arms, shoulders & back

1: Biceps Curl

Stand up straight, keeping your back and wrists straight. Extend your arms out in front of your body and bend them both at the same time. Keep your elbows close to your body.

2: Triceps Curl

Grasp the bar tightly with both hands and lower it behind your head. Stretch your arms straight up, keeping your stomach muscles tight to avoid arching your back.

3: Chest Press

Standing in a lunge position with your back knee on the floor, hold the bar at shoulder height in front of your chest. Firmly push it up and out above head height, keeping your stomach firm and your back straight.

4: Shoulder Press

Stand up straight with the bar at shoulder height in front of your chest. Firmly push it up above your head. Keep your stomach firm and your back straight.

5: Shoulder Press Sitting

Sit on the bar with your feet firmly on the floor and the bands behind your back. Start with your arms bent and then extend them straight up above your head.

6: Rowing

Keeping your back straight, bend forward with your knees slightly bent. Grasp the bar with your hands about a shoulder-width apart and slowly pull the bar up level with your lower chest.

7: Bent Over Row

Stand on the bar, cross the bands and bend forward. Pull your arms up, keeping your elbows close to your body. Bring your hands together as you lower them again.

8: Upright Row

Grasp the bar with your hands slightly less than a shoulder-width apart. Pull the bar up to chin level, until your elbows are level with your shoulders.

9: Good Mornings

Place the bar on your shoulders. Tense your whole body and bend forward from the hips, keeping your back straight, until horizontal. Keep your knees only slightly bent.

10: Pull Over

Lie flat on the floor with your arms stretched out behind your head. Hold the bar in a wide grip and bring it over your head and down to your hips, keeping your arms straight.

11: Face Pulls

Sit on the floor with your back straight, your knees bent, and the bar fixed under your heels. Cross the bands over and pull the handles from knee height up next to your face.

12: Side to Front

Stand upright on the bar with your arms stretched out in front of you and your hands at shoulder-level. Stretch your arms out to the side, making sure you keep them at the same height.

Exercises for abdomen & torso

13: Abs + Biceps

Sit on the floor, leaning slightly backwards, with your legs bent. Keep your stomach firm. Hold the bar with both hands in an underhand grip and pull it towards your upper body, keeping your arms bent.

14: Bicycle Crunch

Lie flat on the floor with the bar on your chest. Start with both knees bent. Extend your legs alternately and as fast as possible, making sure your feet don’t touch the floor.

15: Russian Twist

Sit on the floor, leaning slightly backwards with your legs bent and the bar on your shoulders. Turn your upper body alternately to each side, keeping your lower body as still as possible.

16: Wood Chops

Using the arm opposite the band you are using, pull the handle diagonally up and out by opening your upper body. Keep your arm extended and don’t twist at the hips.

17: Opposite Hand Knee Lift

Start on all fours and fix the bar on the floor with one hand. Pull in the elbow of your other arm and the opposite knee so they touch at the centre of your body and then stretch them both out again.

18: Superman

Lie on your stomach and grasp the bar with two hands. Ankle cuffs are attached to both feet and your arms and legs are bent. Stretch your arms and legs out straight at the same time. 

Exercises for legs & buttocks

19: Squats

Stand with your feet slightly more than a hip-width apart and the bar resting on your shoulders. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Don’t bend your knees beyond the tips of your toes. Push your bottom backwards.

20: Lunges

Standing with your feet a hip-width apart and the bar resting on your shoulders, take a long step back with one leg. Bend the front leg at 90°, keeping your knee directly above your toes.

21: Lunges + Biceps

Stand up straight with your arms slightly bent. While taking a long step back, bend your arms and pull the bar up towards your chest. Both bands are attached to the ankle cuff on your front foot.

22: Lunges + Tricpes

Stand up straight and grasp the bar tightly with both hands behind your head. While taking a long step back, push the bar up over your head. Both bands are attached to the ankle cuff on your back foot.

23: Lunges + Chest Press

Stand up straight, holding the bar at shoulder height in front of your chest. Firmly push it up and out at head height. Both bands are attached to the ankle cuff on your back foot.

24: Kickbacks

Go down on all fours, with the bar fixed on the floor under your hands. Stretch your leg backwards, tightening your bottom towards the end of the movement. Avoid jerky movements.

25: Hip Abduction

Stand the bar upright on the floor and stand next to it with the ankle cuff on the leg furthest away from it. Slowly move your leg outwards as smoothly as possible, without moving your hip.

Multi Resistance Bands

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